A limited number of vendor spaces are available, which will vary depending on projected attendance. Vendors are selected to provide a wide variety of merchandise for the witches and wizards attending the Faire. Direct sales and MLM businesses do not fit the theme and will not be approved. All food and beverages are provided by the Bellevue Berry Farm. Food and beverage vendors cannot be approved. Artists are welcome! If you are an artist applying for a vendor placement, please include a link to your social media, Etsy, or website where examples of your work may be viewed.
Please note that the Omaha Potter Faire offers novelty readings by costumed characters; vendors offering services such as tarot or palm reading will not be approved.
Vendor Approval Process
Please note that vendors are approved in batches; when a batch is approved, an announcement will be made on the Facebook Event Page. We do not send vendor rejection letters; if you do not receive an email on the day a vendor approval batch has been announced, your application could not be approved. The most common reasons a vendor cannot be approved:
- Products are similar to those of another vendor who was approved first
- Products do not fit the theme
- Products appear to infringe intellectual property
Approved vendors will receive a brief email detailing setup times and procedures and a request for a business description and image for the website, followed by an invoice. Vendor fees are paid securely through Square using any credit or debit card. Space will be held for approved vendors for 15 days pending payment. Vendors will be listed on the website after payment, business descriptions, and images are received (vendors completing payment and/or sending images and descriptions within the last 15 days before the event may not be listed on the website).
Before submitting a vendor application, please read our Bootleg Policy and Code of Conduct.
What is included?
Each 10-foot by 10-foot space includes two Exhibitor badges; a 10×20 space includes four Exhibitor badges. Additional helper Exhibitor badges are available at a discounted rate, subject to limitation. Discounted badges are offered as a courtesy for vendors who require many staff members; Exhibitor badges authorize access during setup and teardown hours, and for the security of all vendors, they may not be sold, or transferred to friends or family who are not working the event.
Please note that no tables, chairs, or canopies are provided. For safety reasons, a tent or canopy is required for vendors who are not renting buildings. Tents and canopies must be securely staked or weighted.
The Faire is outdoors, and Wi-Fi is not available. If you use a tablet or other smart device to accept card payments, we recommend using a device connected to a cellular network, or using a wireless hotspot to stay connected.
The Bellevue Berry Farm provides all food and beverages. Vendors are not permitted to sell food or beverages of any kind without prior written approval from the Bellevue Berry Farm.
Please contact us with any questions! vendors@omahapotterfaire.com
Vendor applications for the 2025 Omaha Potter Faire are now open! Click or tap the link below to apply.